The time it takes for a web designer to complete a project can vary based on a number of factors. the factors include the complexity of the project, the deisgners skills, customer requirements, the number of revisions needed and any additional features or functionality.

There are 2 parts to the lifecycle of a website project, this is the design and the development, we are focusing on just the design element of time.

Some designers can get basic designs completed in a few hours, these won’t look the best but will do the job, this will be from getting a basic design completed and signed off. This does not include any brainstorming, this would be designed from a breif and delivered with no revisions or complicated requirements.

If you are going to be invloved and you have agreed with your deisgner to have multiple revisions, the time it takes to complete a design for a website can vary based on how interactive and fast you can respond to revision changes, how many times a part of the deisgn needs to be changed. If your actively putting in the time to complete the design with the web designer Coventry then this should only take maximum a week for a reasonable sized project.

For a much more complicated website like e-commerce of a bespoke system, this can take some time to get the design right with the number of different sections and attributes related to the project, for example a dashboard might have to design for the follwoing: messaging, notifications, profile, boards, graphs, data tables, navigation, calendar, bespoke features and more. Similar for ecommerce Web design Coventry, the amount of categorys and different filters you have and the customer journey for the purchasing might take some extra time.

Overall, taking into account the complexity of a project, the revisions and how long you agreed with the designer it would take on average a basic bespoke website deisgn should take no more than 1 to 2 week to get signed off by you the customer. If your worried that your currently having a designer create something for you and require some advice from someone in the industry, why not drop us a message below and see if we can help you to understand why it is taking so long to get a design completed.